For the past several weeks, with work being long days and pushing into the weekends, I am grateful for the more hours of daylight and the great weather we've been having. It is easy to slip out with Rogue or Night Fury for some evening decompression.
Tonight both bikes got their exercise. I was going to take Rogue out, changed my mind, and hopped on Fury. Getting well along the road towards Earl's Cove on a beautiful evening almost devoid of traffic, I realized halfway that my gas tank was very low. It was at this inopportune moment that I realized I had also left my wallet and phone on Rogue when I changed my mind about which bike to take. So Fury and I booted back home. The light was waning quickly so I pulled Rogue out of the garage and headed for the logging road close to home. It was beautiful and fragrant and zero traffic to get in the way. We enjoyed our little jaunt, stopped for some pretty pictures and practiced some maneuvers (by which I mean hitting the brakes to make the back wheel kick out). Equanimity restored!
August 2023